The ridiculous awesomeness of these costumes cannot be overstated. No one knows how to interpret the assignment. Here are some highlights from this year.
First there is the "screw this, I'm going full on showgirl" route:
Or the showgirl's ancient predecessor, the loincloth wearing warrior princess:
I see your golden loincloth and raise you a cow head:
Or you can pick a relevant topic.
I don't know if I should run in fear from this, or put in on the top of my Christmas Tree:
At first glance the headdress is all you notice, but on closer that a whip she is holding? What?
A few just heard "costume" and not "national." Here we have the pirate wench of Ireland and the Ren Faire maiden of Lebanon
Oh crap. We need a national costume? Ok, stay calm. I've got an extra bikini and a whole bunch of beads:
Neutrality or Death! Switzerland
Fills me with inexplicable sadness: Slovenia
Fills me with an inexplicable urge for wheat. Sexy, sexy wheat: Ukraine
See, some of the Asian countries look fierce!
And a few of the African countries look damn fine as well:
Never Mind: Zambia
This is so hysterical I'm almost peeing my pants. Almost.