Sunday, September 13, 2009

Clara Moves In With A Boy

I finally found a place! Exactly three weeks after the day I arrived in New York, I moved into my new apartment. Kate was a wonderful hostess (as was Myra last weekend), but I was very ready to be settled and spend my free time doing something other than wandering the city seeing rooms. As much as I wanted to spend all of this weekend setting up everything and making the place perfect, I also had to focus on work since my first major assignment is due on Tuesday. So the room is still in a bit of a disarrayed state (and let's be honest: I got so excited about seeing the bottoms of my suitcases again that I sort of started throwing things everywhere). Eventually it will be fit for pictures, but in the meantime here are the basics:

  • Located in the southern part of Park Slope, Brooklyn. My room does not face the park, but the apartment is directly across the street from Prospect Park
  • In a two bedroom apartment with windows in every room
  • One roommate: John. A late 30s gay man who just finished a grad program in photography. I found him via craigslist, and so far he seems to be very nice, easy to live with, and not the sort of person who will murder me in the middle of the night
  • John has two cats who will be moving in in November

Now that I have a place, a huge weight has been lifted. I feel like I can actually start to enjoy New York. Also, now that it is all over I can find humor in the apartment process instead of being terribly depressed by it. I plan to write some posts about it soon, but that too is going to wait until after Tuesday (when I give a riveting class presentation about archival cardboard).