Saturday, December 24, 2011

Black Bart / White Apartment

Yesterday I had the following at the top of my to-do list:

-Remove shirt from cowboy

Yep, my life is pretty sexy.

One of the interactive exhibits in the new museum will be "Black Bart," an arcade game from the the 1962 Seattle World's Fair. Basically it is a life-size cowboy, dressed all in black, whom you challenge to a game of quick-draw. His pants are molded plaster or fiberglass (whatever the rest of his body is) but he wears a real shirt. The shirt is original to the fair but is torn and dirty. Since his gun arm is going to be constantly swinging back and forth at the new museum, the shirt is only going to wear out more. So for weeks, one of the things on my to-do list was to strip Black Bart of his original shirt and measure him for a prop one.

He had recently returned from the conservator in a crate, and so I needed to get the help of all the packers (not Green Bay, but the people packing objects for the museum move) to open the crate, stand him up, and maneuver him while I wrestled with his shirt. It was comically difficult. Once the job was done I had to cover him up with a sheet of packaging material because he looked so creepy and exposed. The conservator had worked on his face and had wrapped his head in white cloth to protect it. So basically we had a full-sized human, lying in a coffin-like crate, with tight black pants, pale exposed chest, and a bag over his head. He looked like some victim of a BDSM game gone terribly wrong.

In news unrelated to shirtless men, I got an apartment! Last week my friend Olivia and I got the keys to a great place on Capitol Hill. With the Holiday busyness neither of us has moved a scrap of furniture yet, but it will happen sometime this next week or in early January. It was all repainted and re-carpeted before we got it, so it feels like an exciting blank canvass.

It also has mirrors everywhere, so I am likely to become even more obsessed with getting dressed each morning.

We also have plans to turn our living room mirror into a giant, ridiculous version of a high-school girl's mirror, complete with images of boys we have crushes on and cutesy notes from friends. If you have anything to contribute please do. Images of actor Adam Scott or presidents from the 19th century will be particularly welcome for the gallery of crushes.

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