Saturday, October 2, 2010

Be Careful What You Wish For

This has been a terrible week for homework. A total disaster as far as getting work done and working ahead on upcoming projects. My fears about Menno House have come true: I’m having too much fun with my housemates. Here is how it played out:

Monday: I discover that several of my housemates have not seen my favorite movie Strictly Ballroom. Watching commences immediately.

Tuesday: “What? You haven’t seen Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion either? Sit down.”

Wednesday: “Hey Clara, you went to college in the Midwest. Do you know how to play Euchre?”

“I love Euchre! Deal me in!”

“By the way, what are you doing Thursday night?”

“Menswear class.”

“Oh, because I was going to stand in line for rush tickets to the Opera. I’ll get two tickets and it is the Met’s new production of Rheingold.”

[Jaw drops]

Thursday: Dear menswear professor, I will not be able to attend class this evening due to an unexpected conflict…

Yeah, so the trade off for not getting any work done was the AWESOME experience of paying $20 to see Met’s new production of Rheingold—featuring the much-hyped set by Robert Lepage. Last year I was offered a free ticket to Siegfried but I had to give up another event in order to go. Choosing the opera ended up being 100% the right decision, so I now understand that when life offers you Wagner, you drop everything and go. We had great seats and the music was fantastic. Truth be told, I was a bit underwhelmed by the set and the staging (Of course Seattle's production is better), but I got to be a real New Yorker and snobbishly discuss the pros and cons of the performance on the subway ride home.

All in all, this has been a great week. I feel like I'm enjoying life here and taking advantage of what the city has to offer.

Oh wait. Aren’t I in grad school or something?


  1. I'm so glad that choosing to see Siegfried with me was the right decision, but it was only a little over a year ago, not two! I'm sure it seems like a million years ago now that you're in New York. It was a nice evening out, though, wasn't it?

  2. You are right! Why did I say two?
