Monday, July 5, 2010 barely...type

One of my fears about this summer was how I would handle the heat in New York. I have done my fair share of traveling in my life, but I have never spent the summer somewhere other than Seattle. Yesterday, instead of the traditional overcast-with-a-chance-of-rain July 4th, it was 97 degrees and humid. I went to Long Island for a cookout, and spent most of the day in my classmate's parents' yard, trying to pretend that it was cool in the shade. Once I got some potato salad and sangria in me, I was done. I asked my host if it would be weird if I went inside and took a nap. What could she say? I crawled onto an available soft surface and passed out. I woke up in time to consume some pie, ice cream, and sangria.

The other thing I have been discovering is that I really do not own enough warm weather clothes. It seems like every day I open my closet hoping to put on a light, flowy dress, only to find that the majority of my wardrobe consists of pants, heavy skirts, and tops with sleeves. But even if my closet was packed with sleeveless cotton dresses, I would still struggle with my summer clothing concept. Both places I work are very air conditioned. The problem is particularly bad for the Met. In order to get there I have to take my regular train as far north into Manhattan as it will go, get out at a stop that must be the deepest underground stop in the whole metro system, walk up four long escalators (standing is for tourists), walk above ground for four blocks, enter another subway station (most subway cars are air conditioned but the stations are ovens), get on a train, get out, and then walk several blocks to the Met. No matter what I am wearing or how cool it is that day I am inevitably sweaty when I get there. But within an hour I'm reaching for my sweater and wondering why I didn't think to wear tights. We are not required to wear lab coats but I usually appreciate the extra layer it provides.

There is one perk of the hot weather. Because cold and drizzly reminds me of home, hot and humid makes me think I'm on vacation. It doesn't happen when I am sweating in the subway station or trying to fall asleep, but sometimes when I go from a cool building into the heat, some pleasure center in my brain activates. It says "Mmm! Feel that? That is not was Seattle feels like! You must be far away, having some exciting summer adventure!"

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