Tuesday, April 27, 2010

An internship, a job, and finding a use for my double bed

Friends, I am having an incredible week. Three amazing things have happened to me:

1. A month ago it seemed like no institution would give me the time of day regarding a summer internship. On Friday I interviewed for a position at the Costume Institute at the Metropolitan Museum of Art…and was offered the internship on the spot! I still can’t believe it. THE MET. Amazing.

2. After what seemed like an endless and hopeless application process, I was offered a part-time job in Special Collections at the FIT library. As you may remember, I’ve been interning there as a work-study student. I assumed I was a long-shot, and am absolutely floored to be offered this job. It isn’t a “while I’m in school” job, it is a career job. Starting Friday, I will be a professional fashion librarian.

3. This weekend, my roommate went out of town and so I tended to the cats. They usually steer clear of my room (this is a holdover from the days when they weren’t toilet trained and I kept my door shut) but one afternoon I brought Coco in to sit on my bed. It became her favorite spot. Last night, John came home and brought her into his room for the night. But she jumped off his bed and spent the night with me!

Sure, I’ve dreamed of museum internships and fashion history jobs for a few years now, but all I’ve really wanted since I was four was the love of a cat.

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