Saturday, March 13, 2010

Stick a pH strip in it honey, it's done

Wet Cleaning: A Photo Essay

Artifact before. Note: wet cleaning will not change the fact that artifact is cheap and ugly

Step 1: Pour the wrong thing into the bath.

OMG it is getting wet! Unroll it slowly so as not to shock the fibers!!!!

Must…not…think about food…dinner waiting for me in locker…so…exhausted

Why didn’t I get to wash Bambi?

Waiting for the non-soap surfactant to do its thing

Filthy water

Ha ha! We really aren't getting a dinner break, are we?

Dramatic Final Result! Amazing! Breath Ta...ah screw it. I need a beer.


  1. So...that's atrocious. I have a similar thing with Napoleon on it that my mother thought I would like. It's musky and stained with mystery fluids. Want to clean that? Just kidding, good job on cleaning that...thing. (:

  2. I recently washed my favorite wool sweaters in the sink, most for the first time. One I've had for at least ten years. After washing two light grey sweaters I could no longer see the bottom of the sink for all the brown water. Totally disgusting. So... I guess the point of the story is to remind me not to share that story anymore. Anyway, on a lighter note, the light blue lab coat really suits you.
